Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Please tell me where the past month as gone? I can't believe how fast time has gone.

I finished the gifts for my sisters, framed them and they turned out cute. You'd think I would have remembered to take a picture - but no! Since I do most of my blogging from work - hard to post pictures. But they seemed to like them - even the sister whose I screwed up. I cut on the wrong line and had to frame hers in a 4x6 frame instead of a 5x7. It was a little tight but still cute. She just appreciated that I gave her something.

We had our family vacation. We invaded Sea Isle City, NJ and had a blast. There were 2 grandparents, 7 siblings, 4 spouses, 19 nieces/nephews, 2 niece/nephew in-laws, 5 significant others, 2 great grandchildren. Like I said, invade. Not all of us were there at the same time - but most of us were there. It such a good time - and we enjoy each others company. We only do it every 3 years but have been doing it since 1985 - 25 years. The first one was in Boston and we all stayed at my Mom & Dads. We did it over a 2 week period. Some came the week before and some stayed the week after - but we all there for a 4 day period. In the same house. No granted, there were not as many of us but we had a GREAT water fight that year. LOL

Started my 'summer' project. I thought since we went to the beach, I'm going to stitch Country Cottage summer scape. 5 'beach' themed pictures as one. It is so cute!! I have one section stitched and started on the second one last night. Also have to start thinking about Xmas gifts - but it'll sneak up on ya! LOL

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