Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New House

I brought a house. I can't believe it. I went looking at houses last week and took my friend Ann. We looked at one in Windom and then went over to Evian. Even though Windom had it's good points (one being cheaper) I was compromising on things I wanted. I wanted a eat in kitchen, I didn't want to sit at my dining room table all the time. But the big compromise was that the garage didn't open up into the house. That really bothered me. Now, I looked at the Evian development right after we put our house one the market and really liked the area. We walked into this townhouse and by the time we walked into the kitchen, I knew it was a place I could live. It just felt like home. Ann loved it too and said it felt like me. It has a kitchen I can put a little table in, it has a HUGE master bathroom with a soaking tub!! It has a walk in closet in the master bedroom. And most of all, you walk right in from the garage into the hallway.
I went back the next morning to make sure I wasn't dreaming and still loved it, put an offer in and they accepted. Then I took my kids over, and they liked it too. I brought a house on my own, I never thought I'd say those words.
Keep you fingers crossed - the the tests/inspections were done on our house last week and I haven't heard anything yet.
The home inspection on my house is this week - fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sold the house

The house was on the market for just over 2 months. In real time, it seemed like forever. Now, I'm not a sloppy person but making sure the house is picked up every morning before you leave for work - is a pain. But someone finally bought it and that someone is the person who owned it before us. Can you believe that one - the person we brought it from - brought it back - for more than twice what we paid for it. I think it's weird, but hey if they want the house, they can have it.
You see - we're selling the house because we're getting divorced not because we want to downsize. I've lived in this house longer than any where in MY WHOLE LIFE!! When I were growing up, we moved alot. I went to 3 grade schools and 2 high schools. I've been in this house 21 years and I don't know how I feel. I know it's just a house, that my memories will come with me. And my kids no longer live home and as far as I know, have no plans to move back home (one is married and one lives in NYC). But I thought I'd be in this house forever.
But this is the house where on back of the laundry room door, we marked off their heights - do you think they will notice if the door is missing?
This the house we celebrated birthdays, graduation and a wedding.
This is house I wanted the kids to have so they could show their kids where they lived when they were little.
But I'll move, the memories will come with me. And life goes on.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Where does the time go?

I have no idea where time goes. It's now June 14 - Happy Flag day everyone.
I have 4 of the 6 gifts stitched for my sisters. Just 2 to go. I also have t finish some Christmas ornaments for my sisters. You're thinking - hey she's way ahead for this year. Wrong, these are from 2006 - and if I hadn't stitched '2006' in the ornament, I would have saved for this year. But noooo, I have to stitch the year in it. LOL Want to give them out on vacation too.
I've also just stitched a 'Bless the Graduate' for my niece Chelsea who graduates next Monday from high school. Out of 19 nieces/nephews, she is #12 to graduate from high school - more than half thru.
Leave for vacation in 2 weeks!! We are all descending on my Dad's condo's in Redington shores. It should be a blast. I can't wait.
Only 50 days to my birthday!