Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have some really nice friends. They have been there for me the last couple of months while I've gone through my divorce, selling my house and moving. I couldn't have done it without them. They came and helped me pack (thanks Ann & Tracey), they let me stay at their house overnight so I didn't have to get a hotel room (thanks Patrice and Rick), they helped me unpack (thanks Cindy, Ann, Charlene & Tracey), they helped me put stuff together (thanks Matt) and look at electrical stuff (thanks Matt and Fred). You all mean so much to me.
I had 2 firsts in my new house last night, I cooked dinner and I did a load of laundry!! LOL It's the little things that make you happy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well, I moved last week. It was probably the longest 2 weeks of my life. I had been staying up to at least midnight every night packing. I was going thru things - throwing things out - sheets, towels, etc. Went thru my craft stuff and purged there too.
I had called 800-GOTJUNK and they came Thursday morning before the movers. A truck and a half later (and $979 later) all my junk was gone. Old suitcases, crib/mattress, raft/oars, you name it I had it. But it's gone now. And the good news is since the tax refund came in my checking account - Ed did pay for it. He just doesn't know it yet.
Then the movers came and I told them to please try and get it all in one truck. You see, they didn't think it would all fit so I rented a uhaul just to be on the safe side. But Jeff, John and Bed worked magic and got it all in the truck - except for the stuff I had in my car, in Mary's (my DIL) car and down at my neighbors. Mary came over and helped and I couldn't have gotten it done if she hadn't come over. I was so tired and sore Thursday night I could barely walk.
Got up Friday, returned the truck, went to the bank. Went for the walk thru at my new house. Went to settlement for my old house and except for Ed being there - it went off without a hitch. Then went to the settlement for my new house and for spending $300,000 I got a bottle of wine, a book and a gift card to a restaurant. I own my own townhouse - all by myself. Then I went to meet the truck and I slept there Friday night. I can't believe all the boxes that are around and I thought I packed things together but I keep finding half of something - LOL.
On Monday, the TV/Internet/phone was hooked up and I hope to unpack at least 2 or 3 boxes a night. Right now I'm so tired I've been going to bed around 9:30 - I think the last 2 weeks are catching up to me.
But I can't wait to get it all organized - I love my house. It's so cute.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


My almost ex-husband moved out this week. Now that shouldn't surprise me since we are getting a divorce. He moved the furniture he was taking on Wednesday - came home to no family room furniture, no kitchen table....and then last night I came home and everything else is that he was taking is gone. I don't know what I expected - he's basically ignored me for years now. I guess since we signed the property settlement he felt it was ok just to leave.
But he took what he wanted and left everything else for me. Even the stuff I don't want. It's my responsibility to get rid of it. Do you have any idea how much 'kitchen' stuff you have and you probably only use 25% of it. But you need to save all the cake pans in case you get the sudden urge to bake a cake - LOL I'm purging. It's only going to be me living in MY HOUSE and trust me, I don't remember the last time I made a cake!! LOL That's why they have nice bakeries in grocery stores.
And honestly, how many sets of sheets do you need for your bed. I only have 1 bed - I don't need 12 sets of sheets. And towels - more towels than I can ever use. Keeping the good ones - toss the others.
So salvation army is getting a BIG donation today and all the rest is going to '1-800-GOTJUNK' on Thursday morning. They just come and take whatever you don't want. They are going to get a nice big pile - and he doesn't know it yet, but he's paying for it.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A first

Last night I had a first - I signed the papers for my own car insurance policy & homeowners. I looked into, found someone and got my own car insurance and homeowners. Now, I know that doesn't sound like such a big deal - but I've never gotten car insurance. Before I was married, my Dad took care of it and then Ed. And homeowners...I've always just signed on the dotted line.
I feel pretty good about it. One more thing I did on my own.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Anyone in the area knows how hot and humid it has been. I don't even know why I bother to try and curl my hair in the morning. It looks horrible by the time I get to work.
I've been busy backing - the move is in 2 weeks and 1 day. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate. And i wonder know why you save everything. Donated 19 games and 14 puzzles to Purple Heart and that's not including the 8 bags of clothes and 1 bag a baskets, plus a hair dryer, vaporizer, iron...the list goes on. Only one more closet to go thru - Sarah's. That should be fun.
The only good thing all this packing is causing is that it's keeping me from thinking to much. Because if I think too much I'm going to realize how scared I am. I haven't been totally on my own in almost 29 years. To be responsible for everything. Can I do this?