Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It's been awhile since I've been on - so a little catch up is in order. Been a couple of busy weeks for me. I've been to NYC twice, I've been to Chicago, Ocean City MD, 3 showers and 1 wedding and another shower coming up next weekend.
I went to a cross stitch retreat weekend the first weekend in May. My friend Tracey grab her ez-pass so we didn't have to stop and pay tolls. Well, news flash - you can't use someone else's ez-pass in your car - so the $4 in tolls we would have paid - could cost $104!! - that's $100 in fines. I received the first set of fines for the trip down first - I wrote a letter explaining what we did and to please accept my apology and my promise that I wouldn't do it again and just wrote the check for the tolls. I just noticed this morning that they cashed those checks - so keep your fingers crossed they won't be sending me a letter asking for the $50 in fines.
More later