Saturday, December 15, 2007


I'm working a little in my basement today and I'm totally overwhelmed. Everything I didn't know what to do with when I moved - went in the basement. I also have a 'craft' room that is filled with boxes too. I don't even know where to start. I can't believe I still have all this stuff even with all that I tossed.
I washed down the cabinets that are in my craft room and sprayed them with febreze. My son said the other night it has a musty smell. I'm thinking it's because this is how my old basement smelled. And the boxes I packed up when we were showing the house were down the basement. I figure if I come down every day and unpack 1 box - it should get down evidently. I want to get it done soon - my Dad and Jean are maybe coming in February, and I want to be done by then. He wants to see my new house and I'm like I only have 2 extra beds and he was like 'that's OK, we only need 1' but I'm like 'they are in 2 different rooms' LOL. I'm hoping after the 1st of the year to get an IKEA double bed for the 1 room. They have a nice white head board I liked. Might have to measure it out on the floor to make sure it will fit!! LOL

Monday, November 26, 2007

1 year

It's been 1 year since the divorce stuff started and my life changed. Who would have thought I'd be on my own, own a townhouse and be making all the decisions by myself. At times I can't believe how much my life has changed and wish I wasn't alone. But then I think back and honestly, I'd been 'alone' for years. I just feel bad because my kids don't have their childhood home anymore or parents that are still together. But then, we both are miserable - so I guess it's a trade off.
Had Thanksgiving at my sons house and he did the cooking. He smoked the turkey this year and it was very good. We had all the usually dishes - turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, turnip, cranberry sauce and baked ziti. We all ate too much - but it was a nice day. Sarah brought home her boyfriend Dave for us all to met. Hopefully we didn't scare him off. He is a very nice young man - can't say 'boy' because he's almost 26 and he says he had a good time. I know we all liked him.
Brought a Christmas tree this weekend. Hopefully it will fit into my rotating tree stand - please. If not, I'll have to sell it - the tree stand not the tree. My goal is this week to get it up. It's pre-lit so that should be easy. And there is already nails around my window - so I can put lights outside. Notice some of the people in the development did it this past weekend - but next weekend is the first weekend in December - that's when I'll do it.

Monday, November 19, 2007


I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this week. How did it get here so soon. It feels like just last week I was moving into my house - which was over 2 months ago.
I finally got the green bedroom organized. I'm going to turn that room into the 'bear den' and put alot of my bears in there. I did unload 1 box but have more in the basement. Might wait until after Thanksgiving because Sarah's boyfriend is sleeping in there. Don't want to scare the poor boy off.
Then I worked in the pink bedroom which is where Sarah is sleeping. I got her stuff down from 20 boxes to about 6. (that's not counting what is in the basement). If there is a 'pack rat' gene - she got it. Which isn't surprising, since I have it too.
The dining room is all organized. It looks so nice. Just have organize my cross stitch stuff which is all over the living room and I'm pretty much done. If you don't count the basement...LOL

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I was in Arizona last weekend. It was beautiful. I went out on a cross stitch weekend. I was supposed to take a class by Merry Cox but due to circumstances, I decided I couldn't afford it and then decided I couldn't really even afford to go to Arizona. But then at the beginning of October, I had some unexpected good news, and decided I could go. The class was ran thru the shop called Attic Needleworks.
I didn't take the class because you got the kits in February and pre-stitched it but still had a wonderful time. I met my sister Mary and her 2 friends Deanne and Laurie. All we did for 3 1/2 days was stitch!! It was wonderful and relaxing. We also shopped and I brought some cross stitch - which I probably didn't need. But then need has nothing to do with it. I wanted the kits/charts I brought.

Friday, November 02, 2007


The title says it all. I have been looking for the last 2 months for my extra checks and have not been able to find them since I moved. I use to keep them in my under ware drawer - under the socks. Lets be honest, everyone hides things in their under ware drawer. I guess we thing thieve won't go looking in that drawer! LOL But I have not been able to find them since I moved. I couldn't not remember what box I might have packed them in because honestly - the last week or so, if there was room in a box, I shoved something in it. I actually order more check - starting with the number 5000 because I needed checks.
So, last night as I was getting ready to go to bed, I had to get out a pair of socks to sleep in (my feet were cold). Now I have special socks I sleep in mostly socks that are older and a little stretched out. I was looking in the drawer I have them in and it was jumbled so I was strengthening it out and there under all the socks was the box of checks!! Sitting there all safe and sound and not knowing it was causing me worry. Now to be honest, I don't even remember unpacking them or putting them there. I'm sure the thought process at the time was a good one and I had a good reason for why I put them there but for the life of me, I can't think of one good reason I would put them there. That might be why I never looked there.
So, one mystery solved. No, if I could just figure out where I put the container and stuff from under my bathroom sink - life will be good.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I had a Pampered Chef party last night. It was so good to have friends over - it finally feels like it's my house. We had such a good time. I love Pampered Chef - you go to one of these parties and you wonder how you could have been cooking all this time without all these gadgets!! LOL

I also have maybe 90% of my dining room unpacked. I only have 5 boxes to go - hopefully this weekend. I was hoping to do it last weekend but my Uncle John passed away and I had to go to Chicago for the funeral. It was my Dad's youngest sibling and it really upset him. It was so quick - he was diagnosed with cancer the week before I moved into my new house and died on Oct 15 - less than 2 months. My Dad is 79 and is showing his age. He never looked 'old' to me - and now he does.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Last week I dropped an earning back which disappeared. Last night I was walking in my room and looked down and there was the earning back, right on the carpet next to the bed leg.
Now what probably happened is that if fell between the foot board and the covers and took all the time to fall thru. But what I think happened is that when it fell, it went in to the parallel universe and yesterday the universes crossed over again and it should up in my universe again. I think that's a logically explanation!!

Monday, October 15, 2007


This past weekend I went on a stitching weekend with friends. We went down to the Salty Yarns in Ocean City, Maryland. Every October, she has a stitching jamboree with teachers and projects. This year teachers were Maureen Appleton from Hearts Content, Linda from Chessie & Me and Liz Turner Diehl. They were great teachers and classes.
Maureen designed a beautiful scissor fob and a pin cushion on 40 ct fabric over 1. I can't do 40 ct so I'm doing mine on 32 ct. Working over 1 isn't easy (or fun) but it is beautiful. I'm determine to finish it.
Linda of Chessie & Me designed a sampler of the Lankford Hotel - so cute. Her thing is, she puts a cat in all her pictures.
Liz did a very cute picture of 3 bikini's hanging on the line with special stitches. She also does something called stump work. Very interesting and beautiful but I don't think it's anything I'd do.
I love my stitching weekends - it's good to be around other people who are just like you. We talk about what projects we're working on, or charts you've purchased or what you've completed. Plus we get a goodie bag. You're never to old for a goodie bag - filled with stitching stuff.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Sarah ran in the 30th Chicago marathon and it was historic. Record heat, record participates and record people who did not finish.
It was almost 90 in Chicago on Sunday, Oct 7 and the humidity was at least that. The marathon started at 8 am and at 3 hrs and 50 minutes - they cancelled it. People who ran that fast qualified for the Boston marathon. People were dropping like flies - all you heard were sirens. It was nerve wracking until I heard from Sarah and she was ok. She finished the marathon in 4 hours and 43 minutes. She hoped to do it in 4:20 but I think she did fine. I'm so proud of her.
I did meet the boyfriend Dave - but only for 10 minutes and of course after the race. He was a little discouraged because he's knee was bothering him and he didn't have a good run. He seemed very nice and as long as he is good to Sarah - I won't have to hurt him.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Mysteries of the Universe

Do ever wonder about things. Like where does that sock go when you only find 1 in the dryer?? Another example, I dropped my earning back, I heard it hit the foot board on my bed but can I find it? How far can one of those things bounce. I've gone all over my carpet on my hands in knees in front of the bed, under the bed, under the is NO WHERE! I think I know where it goes - to another dimension. Then it just cross over and be there right on the floor and I'll be thinking - 'where have you been'.

I've started back cross stitching at night. I haven't stitched in 2 months with packing and moving and I forgot how much I love it. I've missed it. I find it very relaxing and calming. I'm working on a piece for my girlfriends daughters baby. I haven't started the birth sampler because I'm a little superstitious and don't want to start to far before the baby is due. Which is October 30. I'll probably start in next week. But the other piece I'm working on is so cute. It's a Cricket design and it's the alphabet in bright colors. Since it has buttons on it, I'll frame it.

Off to Chicago this weekend to watch my daughter run in the Chicago Marathon. This is her third marathon and she just loves all this running. But the added bonus is, my 3 sisters and 1 brother (plus alot of nieces and nephews) live there and I get to see them. I also get to meet the 'boyfriend' finally - what do I grill him about - LOL.

I'm also going to see my Uncle John who is dying of cancer. He was only diagnosed at the end of August - the week I moved into my new house - but he is going down hill fast. He is my Uncle who was only 13 when I was born and use to bring his friends by to show me off. And his birthday is Aug 2, so we are almost birthday buddies (mine is Aug 4). And since I'm going to be in Chicago - I need to go see him and just give him a hug.

Monday, October 01, 2007


On Friday I received my divorce decree. It's over, 29 years of my life reduced to a piece of paper. I don't know how I feel. I did cry a little Friday night, I was relieved and I was happy. Does that make me a horrible person? I can't forget that I was married for 29 years but I am relieved that it is all over. I don't have to pretend to people that everything is alright. I don't have to lie when I go some place by myself that he had other plans - and not the truth that was he didn't want to go. I don't have to walk on egg shells afraid to say the wrong thing. The piece of paper is like making it official that I'm a failure. But that's not true - it didn't all fall apart because of me but it's hard not to feel that way.
But the bottom line is, it's over and life goes on. I have two WONDERFUL children and a WONDERFUL daughter-in-law who love me. I have WONDERFUL friends who stand by me and a WONDERFUL family. What more can a person ask for.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Can you believe it's been almost 1 month since I've moved. Tomorrow is 4 weeks and then on the 24th it'll be a month. Seems longer....I love my new house. I know it sounds dumb - but I feel so at home there. I've been sleeping good - no weird sounds in the night. And I'm sleeping ALL NIGHT. And I have my first mortgage payment due October 1 - how exciting.
Now if I could just finish unpacking - that would be great. I'm am getting anxious to get it done. Bought area rugs for the living room and dining room and got them down. Just warms up the room. Hope to get the living room done this weekend. Part of the problem is but the time I get home from work, cook dinner, eat, clean up I don't feel like pulling out boxes and unpacking! Also, deciding where to put everything. Did get a few things done last night.
Going to IKEA this weekend to get some bookcases. I used Avon boxes to pack my books - nice small boxes so I can lift them. Problem is - there are alot of them. So I want to get them out of the way.
And I'm anxious to get my craft room in order. That is going to be so much fun. Just my room. And I don't have to share with anyone. Haven't stitched much but that has to change. I miss it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I have some really nice friends. They have been there for me the last couple of months while I've gone through my divorce, selling my house and moving. I couldn't have done it without them. They came and helped me pack (thanks Ann & Tracey), they let me stay at their house overnight so I didn't have to get a hotel room (thanks Patrice and Rick), they helped me unpack (thanks Cindy, Ann, Charlene & Tracey), they helped me put stuff together (thanks Matt) and look at electrical stuff (thanks Matt and Fred). You all mean so much to me.
I had 2 firsts in my new house last night, I cooked dinner and I did a load of laundry!! LOL It's the little things that make you happy.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Well, I moved last week. It was probably the longest 2 weeks of my life. I had been staying up to at least midnight every night packing. I was going thru things - throwing things out - sheets, towels, etc. Went thru my craft stuff and purged there too.
I had called 800-GOTJUNK and they came Thursday morning before the movers. A truck and a half later (and $979 later) all my junk was gone. Old suitcases, crib/mattress, raft/oars, you name it I had it. But it's gone now. And the good news is since the tax refund came in my checking account - Ed did pay for it. He just doesn't know it yet.
Then the movers came and I told them to please try and get it all in one truck. You see, they didn't think it would all fit so I rented a uhaul just to be on the safe side. But Jeff, John and Bed worked magic and got it all in the truck - except for the stuff I had in my car, in Mary's (my DIL) car and down at my neighbors. Mary came over and helped and I couldn't have gotten it done if she hadn't come over. I was so tired and sore Thursday night I could barely walk.
Got up Friday, returned the truck, went to the bank. Went for the walk thru at my new house. Went to settlement for my old house and except for Ed being there - it went off without a hitch. Then went to the settlement for my new house and for spending $300,000 I got a bottle of wine, a book and a gift card to a restaurant. I own my own townhouse - all by myself. Then I went to meet the truck and I slept there Friday night. I can't believe all the boxes that are around and I thought I packed things together but I keep finding half of something - LOL.
On Monday, the TV/Internet/phone was hooked up and I hope to unpack at least 2 or 3 boxes a night. Right now I'm so tired I've been going to bed around 9:30 - I think the last 2 weeks are catching up to me.
But I can't wait to get it all organized - I love my house. It's so cute.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


My almost ex-husband moved out this week. Now that shouldn't surprise me since we are getting a divorce. He moved the furniture he was taking on Wednesday - came home to no family room furniture, no kitchen table....and then last night I came home and everything else is that he was taking is gone. I don't know what I expected - he's basically ignored me for years now. I guess since we signed the property settlement he felt it was ok just to leave.
But he took what he wanted and left everything else for me. Even the stuff I don't want. It's my responsibility to get rid of it. Do you have any idea how much 'kitchen' stuff you have and you probably only use 25% of it. But you need to save all the cake pans in case you get the sudden urge to bake a cake - LOL I'm purging. It's only going to be me living in MY HOUSE and trust me, I don't remember the last time I made a cake!! LOL That's why they have nice bakeries in grocery stores.
And honestly, how many sets of sheets do you need for your bed. I only have 1 bed - I don't need 12 sets of sheets. And towels - more towels than I can ever use. Keeping the good ones - toss the others.
So salvation army is getting a BIG donation today and all the rest is going to '1-800-GOTJUNK' on Thursday morning. They just come and take whatever you don't want. They are going to get a nice big pile - and he doesn't know it yet, but he's paying for it.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A first

Last night I had a first - I signed the papers for my own car insurance policy & homeowners. I looked into, found someone and got my own car insurance and homeowners. Now, I know that doesn't sound like such a big deal - but I've never gotten car insurance. Before I was married, my Dad took care of it and then Ed. And homeowners...I've always just signed on the dotted line.
I feel pretty good about it. One more thing I did on my own.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Anyone in the area knows how hot and humid it has been. I don't even know why I bother to try and curl my hair in the morning. It looks horrible by the time I get to work.
I've been busy backing - the move is in 2 weeks and 1 day. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate. And i wonder know why you save everything. Donated 19 games and 14 puzzles to Purple Heart and that's not including the 8 bags of clothes and 1 bag a baskets, plus a hair dryer, vaporizer, iron...the list goes on. Only one more closet to go thru - Sarah's. That should be fun.
The only good thing all this packing is causing is that it's keeping me from thinking to much. Because if I think too much I'm going to realize how scared I am. I haven't been totally on my own in almost 29 years. To be responsible for everything. Can I do this?

Monday, July 30, 2007


Well, was up in NYC to see WICKED and LOVED IT. It was so good and funny and the songs were great. I just enjoyed it so much and seeing with Sarah was a bonus. If you can go see it - go.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is the weekend I got to New York City to see WICKED. Sarah got us tickets for Christmas. She also got me the CD - which I love. So, I'm going this afternoon and tonite we are going out to dinner for my birthday (which is next weekend Aug 4) and then tomorrow afternoon we go and see the play; I had the book to read and just kept putting it off. I'll keep reading because they say the book is way different than the play.

Friday, July 27, 2007

27 days

Thank goodness the end is in site because if not I don't know how long I can stay here. How did I end up with this angry, rude, inconsiderate person. I swear he treats strangers better than he treats me. Please let the next 27 days pass quickly.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

To Much Stuff

Been going thru things and have decided I have to much stuff. I think we all probably have to much stuff but it doesn't matter until you have to pack it up.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know your Mom loves you.....

You know your Mom loves you when she keeps UGLY gifts.
I was going thru some stuff on a shelf, what to keep, what to give to good will, what to toss and I came across this 'thing' I gave my mom. Are you ready - it was a bowl shaped like a head of lettuce/cabbage!! Now, you're thinking I did this when I was 10 or maybe even 12. And you'd be wrong. The date on the bottom is 1973 - I WAS 20!! What was I thinking that my Mom would want a bowl that looks like a head of lettuce/cabbage. LOL And what was my Mom thinking keeping it, and then eventually giving it to me, and me keeping it!! LOL

So, guess what I did??? Washed it, wrapped it up and packed it. If it was good enough for my Mom to keep - it must be something special. And she loves you.

Friday, July 13, 2007

St. Joe

There is a 'tradition' or 'old wives tale' or 'prayer'.... What it is, when you're trying to sell a house is that you bury a statue of St. Joe in the backyard, upside down facing the house. Then when you sell the house, you unbury him and put him in a place of honor in your new house. That's supposed to help you sell you house. When we sold our house in South Carolina, I did that and we sold the house within a week. Then I dug up St. Joe and he was in my son's room this whole time.
Well, I buried him again this time, same statue. The house didn't sell as quick, but we did sell. Since all the inspections are done, I dug him up this morning and washed him off and will take him to my new house. Since I buried him, I get to take him.
Thanks St. Joe.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Linen Floss

Working on a cross stitched project that calls for linen floss. Thought I'd try it and brought what the pattern called for. Well, I don't like stitching with linen floss. It tends to shred. Now, I know I cut my floss to long - but with linen floss you really have to keep the lengths short or it's a mess. I'm also not too fond of the 'overdyed' type floss - where it would go from blue to green and then back to blue. I'll finish this project - but change the floss for the next time I stitch it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Just returned from a family vacation. We do them in my family every 3 years. For the last couple of years we have been going to my Dad's who lives outside of Tampa FL in Reddington Shores. We rent a couple of condos, this time it was 7. Most of us went - 7 siblings, 4 spouses and 14 of the 19 nieces/nephews plus my Dad and Jean. We have a great time just being together. It's amazing how you fall back into the family pecking order.
And the nieces/nephews get along so well - they were talking about the next one in 3 years. This time, my 16 year old nephew got to be in the condo with the 'big' cousins, Joe (28), Dan (24) and an almost cousin-in-law Ryan (26). My sister was a bit worried, but they promised her they would take care of him. After the first day - he had the nickname "KING" - don't know how it happened. As the saying goes 'what happens in tower 1, stays in tower 1' - LOL. The littlest cousin, Kate (6), just wanted to hang out with Jimmy and Mary - Jimmy is the only married cousin. In fact, they were making plans to come visit and stay with Jim & Mary when Kate is 10 and her sister Rachel is 13.
I love my family, I just wished we lived closer together so we could see each other more - but that is what cell phones and emails are for.

Monday, July 09, 2007

It's Mine

Well, it's mine. I've brought a house. OMG!! It passed the home inspection and there are no termites or radon. I can't believe I've done this - right now I am beyond scared!! I've applied and gotten a mortgage - on my own. I should probably start of list of what I have to do. Next thing is to get a mover. I will pack up my stuff - but I'm past the age where I can ask my friends to come help move my stuff - LOL! 45 days - not that I'm counting or anything.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New House

I brought a house. I can't believe it. I went looking at houses last week and took my friend Ann. We looked at one in Windom and then went over to Evian. Even though Windom had it's good points (one being cheaper) I was compromising on things I wanted. I wanted a eat in kitchen, I didn't want to sit at my dining room table all the time. But the big compromise was that the garage didn't open up into the house. That really bothered me. Now, I looked at the Evian development right after we put our house one the market and really liked the area. We walked into this townhouse and by the time we walked into the kitchen, I knew it was a place I could live. It just felt like home. Ann loved it too and said it felt like me. It has a kitchen I can put a little table in, it has a HUGE master bathroom with a soaking tub!! It has a walk in closet in the master bedroom. And most of all, you walk right in from the garage into the hallway.
I went back the next morning to make sure I wasn't dreaming and still loved it, put an offer in and they accepted. Then I took my kids over, and they liked it too. I brought a house on my own, I never thought I'd say those words.
Keep you fingers crossed - the the tests/inspections were done on our house last week and I haven't heard anything yet.
The home inspection on my house is this week - fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sold the house

The house was on the market for just over 2 months. In real time, it seemed like forever. Now, I'm not a sloppy person but making sure the house is picked up every morning before you leave for work - is a pain. But someone finally bought it and that someone is the person who owned it before us. Can you believe that one - the person we brought it from - brought it back - for more than twice what we paid for it. I think it's weird, but hey if they want the house, they can have it.
You see - we're selling the house because we're getting divorced not because we want to downsize. I've lived in this house longer than any where in MY WHOLE LIFE!! When I were growing up, we moved alot. I went to 3 grade schools and 2 high schools. I've been in this house 21 years and I don't know how I feel. I know it's just a house, that my memories will come with me. And my kids no longer live home and as far as I know, have no plans to move back home (one is married and one lives in NYC). But I thought I'd be in this house forever.
But this is the house where on back of the laundry room door, we marked off their heights - do you think they will notice if the door is missing?
This the house we celebrated birthdays, graduation and a wedding.
This is house I wanted the kids to have so they could show their kids where they lived when they were little.
But I'll move, the memories will come with me. And life goes on.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Where does the time go?

I have no idea where time goes. It's now June 14 - Happy Flag day everyone.
I have 4 of the 6 gifts stitched for my sisters. Just 2 to go. I also have t finish some Christmas ornaments for my sisters. You're thinking - hey she's way ahead for this year. Wrong, these are from 2006 - and if I hadn't stitched '2006' in the ornament, I would have saved for this year. But noooo, I have to stitch the year in it. LOL Want to give them out on vacation too.
I've also just stitched a 'Bless the Graduate' for my niece Chelsea who graduates next Monday from high school. Out of 19 nieces/nephews, she is #12 to graduate from high school - more than half thru.
Leave for vacation in 2 weeks!! We are all descending on my Dad's condo's in Redington shores. It should be a blast. I can't wait.
Only 50 days to my birthday!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Almost June

Who can believe 5 months of the year are gone and it will be June in 1 day. I always think of Memorial Day weekend at the start of summer.
I had a nice Memorial Day weekend - got some stuff done, stitched some, cleaned some. Packed up some more stuff from the house. It's hard to know what to keep since I don't know where (or when at this point) I'll be moving. I took down all my knick-knack shelves (1 in my bedroom, 1 in the family room & 1 in the dining room), most of the pictures above the couch and the baskets I had hanging in the kitchen. Most of those baskets will go to good will and some will be tossed (especially the ones that were above the stove). My house is looking so 'naked' now.
Now the problem is happening is that I go to look for something and it's packed!! Oh well.
I'm working on my gift to my sisters for vacation. I always make them something that involves their birthday or birthday month. This year I found this cute little graph from Sam Sarah that is 5 birthday candles with a heart button on the middle candle. Very cute. I got different colored frames. Now I have to get them stitched and framed and I also have to finish their Christmas ornaments. And since I stitched 2006 on them, I can't use them for next year!! LOL

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Dancing with the Stars

Another season of Dancing with the Stars if over. I thought it was perfect that Apollo ended up winning. I think he was more out of his comfort zone that Joey. Why is it we get so involved in these shows? We talk about the - Apollo, Joey like we're personal friends of theirs. Every week thousands of us dial in, sign on to vote for them and hope our favorites are the ones to go.
Well, my favorite won this time. In fact, my favorites always win or is it they become my favorite the longer they are on the show.
Now what do we watch on Monday and Tuesday nights?

Monday, May 07, 2007


Do you keep your washer machine lid open or shut when you're done your laundry? I like to keep it open, my thought is that it'll dry out better. My ex-other half likes to put it down. What way do you think is better?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Something new

I just finished something. I cross stitch and finish things into pin cushions, needle books, scissor fobs. Usually for myself or for my good friend Colleen (of Follow the Leader designs). I do alot finishing for her. So, when she told me she gave my name to someone else I was like - 'what?'. Well, I just finished an ornament for Jennifer of Ladybug Lane Designs. I was nervous, I know I do good work but what if she didn't like what I did? But I sent it to her and SHE LOVED IT. Plus the big news is, it's the ornament that will be in the Just Cross Stitched ornament issue coming out this fall. So I can't post a picture or anything - but will once the magazine is out.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Even or Odd

I got gas this morning. Nothing so spectacular about that. But I have this thing when I get gas - the amount has to end in either a 5 or a zero. So, I never have an amount that is $42.37 - it would either have to be $42.35 or I'd go up to $42.40. I don't know when I started doing that. But funny thing is, Sarah was with me once and I said to her - the total has to end in either a 5 or a zero and she was like - duh, of course. So is it generic - these little quirks we have??

Friday, April 20, 2007


I'm looking at townhouses and I know I won't get everything I want, but what to compromise on??
Do I get a townhouse without a garage but then where to you put all your 'garage' type stuff, not to mention your car.
Do I get a townhouse that has a garage, but one that doesn't have a door to the house from the garage and you still have to go outside to enter the house - to me that kinda defeats the idea of having a garage.
Do I get a townhouse with a smaller master bath or one with a soaking tub, shower stall and that is big enough that I could hold meeting in there.
Walk in closet versus regular closets for the master bedroom.
Do I get 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms and a loft? Or an tiny dining room and an eat in kitchen or just a larger dining room.
One with a finished basement or a regular basement. Laundry upstairs or in the basement?
Do I ignore the wallpaper and figure I can change it and what about the ugly carpet??
Too many choices. I look at a townhouse and I like it at the time but after I leave I pick it apart of all the stuff I don't like.
My sister says when I see one I like, I'll know it. I hope so.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Here's Sarah and I accepting our Oscars for Best Daughter and Best Mom. The crowd went wild.


Why is it that I can put his dishes in the dish washer, but he can't put mine in. It's the little things that get you.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Years!! I can't believe it 2007 - it doesn't seem that long ago that it was 2000 and everyone was nervous because they didn't know what would happen. A big fat nothing happened!! But now it is 2007 and where does the time go.
Of course, you have to have some resolutions and I have them.
1 - Lose weight
2- Go the gym and exercise
3 - Blog more
4 - Learn how to put pictures on my blog
5 - Finish some projects. I have plenty of stuff done, I just need to get the finished, ie either framed, made into a pillow...etc.
Ok, I think that's enough for now. I know the first 2 are probably on EVERYONE'S list, but I try every year.