Monday, July 30, 2007


Well, was up in NYC to see WICKED and LOVED IT. It was so good and funny and the songs were great. I just enjoyed it so much and seeing with Sarah was a bonus. If you can go see it - go.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


This is the weekend I got to New York City to see WICKED. Sarah got us tickets for Christmas. She also got me the CD - which I love. So, I'm going this afternoon and tonite we are going out to dinner for my birthday (which is next weekend Aug 4) and then tomorrow afternoon we go and see the play; I had the book to read and just kept putting it off. I'll keep reading because they say the book is way different than the play.

Friday, July 27, 2007

27 days

Thank goodness the end is in site because if not I don't know how long I can stay here. How did I end up with this angry, rude, inconsiderate person. I swear he treats strangers better than he treats me. Please let the next 27 days pass quickly.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

To Much Stuff

Been going thru things and have decided I have to much stuff. I think we all probably have to much stuff but it doesn't matter until you have to pack it up.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

You know your Mom loves you.....

You know your Mom loves you when she keeps UGLY gifts.
I was going thru some stuff on a shelf, what to keep, what to give to good will, what to toss and I came across this 'thing' I gave my mom. Are you ready - it was a bowl shaped like a head of lettuce/cabbage!! Now, you're thinking I did this when I was 10 or maybe even 12. And you'd be wrong. The date on the bottom is 1973 - I WAS 20!! What was I thinking that my Mom would want a bowl that looks like a head of lettuce/cabbage. LOL And what was my Mom thinking keeping it, and then eventually giving it to me, and me keeping it!! LOL

So, guess what I did??? Washed it, wrapped it up and packed it. If it was good enough for my Mom to keep - it must be something special. And she loves you.

Friday, July 13, 2007

St. Joe

There is a 'tradition' or 'old wives tale' or 'prayer'.... What it is, when you're trying to sell a house is that you bury a statue of St. Joe in the backyard, upside down facing the house. Then when you sell the house, you unbury him and put him in a place of honor in your new house. That's supposed to help you sell you house. When we sold our house in South Carolina, I did that and we sold the house within a week. Then I dug up St. Joe and he was in my son's room this whole time.
Well, I buried him again this time, same statue. The house didn't sell as quick, but we did sell. Since all the inspections are done, I dug him up this morning and washed him off and will take him to my new house. Since I buried him, I get to take him.
Thanks St. Joe.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Linen Floss

Working on a cross stitched project that calls for linen floss. Thought I'd try it and brought what the pattern called for. Well, I don't like stitching with linen floss. It tends to shred. Now, I know I cut my floss to long - but with linen floss you really have to keep the lengths short or it's a mess. I'm also not too fond of the 'overdyed' type floss - where it would go from blue to green and then back to blue. I'll finish this project - but change the floss for the next time I stitch it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Just returned from a family vacation. We do them in my family every 3 years. For the last couple of years we have been going to my Dad's who lives outside of Tampa FL in Reddington Shores. We rent a couple of condos, this time it was 7. Most of us went - 7 siblings, 4 spouses and 14 of the 19 nieces/nephews plus my Dad and Jean. We have a great time just being together. It's amazing how you fall back into the family pecking order.
And the nieces/nephews get along so well - they were talking about the next one in 3 years. This time, my 16 year old nephew got to be in the condo with the 'big' cousins, Joe (28), Dan (24) and an almost cousin-in-law Ryan (26). My sister was a bit worried, but they promised her they would take care of him. After the first day - he had the nickname "KING" - don't know how it happened. As the saying goes 'what happens in tower 1, stays in tower 1' - LOL. The littlest cousin, Kate (6), just wanted to hang out with Jimmy and Mary - Jimmy is the only married cousin. In fact, they were making plans to come visit and stay with Jim & Mary when Kate is 10 and her sister Rachel is 13.
I love my family, I just wished we lived closer together so we could see each other more - but that is what cell phones and emails are for.

Monday, July 09, 2007

It's Mine

Well, it's mine. I've brought a house. OMG!! It passed the home inspection and there are no termites or radon. I can't believe I've done this - right now I am beyond scared!! I've applied and gotten a mortgage - on my own. I should probably start of list of what I have to do. Next thing is to get a mover. I will pack up my stuff - but I'm past the age where I can ask my friends to come help move my stuff - LOL! 45 days - not that I'm counting or anything.