Thursday, October 25, 2007


I had a Pampered Chef party last night. It was so good to have friends over - it finally feels like it's my house. We had such a good time. I love Pampered Chef - you go to one of these parties and you wonder how you could have been cooking all this time without all these gadgets!! LOL

I also have maybe 90% of my dining room unpacked. I only have 5 boxes to go - hopefully this weekend. I was hoping to do it last weekend but my Uncle John passed away and I had to go to Chicago for the funeral. It was my Dad's youngest sibling and it really upset him. It was so quick - he was diagnosed with cancer the week before I moved into my new house and died on Oct 15 - less than 2 months. My Dad is 79 and is showing his age. He never looked 'old' to me - and now he does.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Last week I dropped an earning back which disappeared. Last night I was walking in my room and looked down and there was the earning back, right on the carpet next to the bed leg.
Now what probably happened is that if fell between the foot board and the covers and took all the time to fall thru. But what I think happened is that when it fell, it went in to the parallel universe and yesterday the universes crossed over again and it should up in my universe again. I think that's a logically explanation!!

Monday, October 15, 2007


This past weekend I went on a stitching weekend with friends. We went down to the Salty Yarns in Ocean City, Maryland. Every October, she has a stitching jamboree with teachers and projects. This year teachers were Maureen Appleton from Hearts Content, Linda from Chessie & Me and Liz Turner Diehl. They were great teachers and classes.
Maureen designed a beautiful scissor fob and a pin cushion on 40 ct fabric over 1. I can't do 40 ct so I'm doing mine on 32 ct. Working over 1 isn't easy (or fun) but it is beautiful. I'm determine to finish it.
Linda of Chessie & Me designed a sampler of the Lankford Hotel - so cute. Her thing is, she puts a cat in all her pictures.
Liz did a very cute picture of 3 bikini's hanging on the line with special stitches. She also does something called stump work. Very interesting and beautiful but I don't think it's anything I'd do.
I love my stitching weekends - it's good to be around other people who are just like you. We talk about what projects we're working on, or charts you've purchased or what you've completed. Plus we get a goodie bag. You're never to old for a goodie bag - filled with stitching stuff.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Sarah ran in the 30th Chicago marathon and it was historic. Record heat, record participates and record people who did not finish.
It was almost 90 in Chicago on Sunday, Oct 7 and the humidity was at least that. The marathon started at 8 am and at 3 hrs and 50 minutes - they cancelled it. People who ran that fast qualified for the Boston marathon. People were dropping like flies - all you heard were sirens. It was nerve wracking until I heard from Sarah and she was ok. She finished the marathon in 4 hours and 43 minutes. She hoped to do it in 4:20 but I think she did fine. I'm so proud of her.
I did meet the boyfriend Dave - but only for 10 minutes and of course after the race. He was a little discouraged because he's knee was bothering him and he didn't have a good run. He seemed very nice and as long as he is good to Sarah - I won't have to hurt him.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Mysteries of the Universe

Do ever wonder about things. Like where does that sock go when you only find 1 in the dryer?? Another example, I dropped my earning back, I heard it hit the foot board on my bed but can I find it? How far can one of those things bounce. I've gone all over my carpet on my hands in knees in front of the bed, under the bed, under the is NO WHERE! I think I know where it goes - to another dimension. Then it just cross over and be there right on the floor and I'll be thinking - 'where have you been'.

I've started back cross stitching at night. I haven't stitched in 2 months with packing and moving and I forgot how much I love it. I've missed it. I find it very relaxing and calming. I'm working on a piece for my girlfriends daughters baby. I haven't started the birth sampler because I'm a little superstitious and don't want to start to far before the baby is due. Which is October 30. I'll probably start in next week. But the other piece I'm working on is so cute. It's a Cricket design and it's the alphabet in bright colors. Since it has buttons on it, I'll frame it.

Off to Chicago this weekend to watch my daughter run in the Chicago Marathon. This is her third marathon and she just loves all this running. But the added bonus is, my 3 sisters and 1 brother (plus alot of nieces and nephews) live there and I get to see them. I also get to meet the 'boyfriend' finally - what do I grill him about - LOL.

I'm also going to see my Uncle John who is dying of cancer. He was only diagnosed at the end of August - the week I moved into my new house - but he is going down hill fast. He is my Uncle who was only 13 when I was born and use to bring his friends by to show me off. And his birthday is Aug 2, so we are almost birthday buddies (mine is Aug 4). And since I'm going to be in Chicago - I need to go see him and just give him a hug.

Monday, October 01, 2007


On Friday I received my divorce decree. It's over, 29 years of my life reduced to a piece of paper. I don't know how I feel. I did cry a little Friday night, I was relieved and I was happy. Does that make me a horrible person? I can't forget that I was married for 29 years but I am relieved that it is all over. I don't have to pretend to people that everything is alright. I don't have to lie when I go some place by myself that he had other plans - and not the truth that was he didn't want to go. I don't have to walk on egg shells afraid to say the wrong thing. The piece of paper is like making it official that I'm a failure. But that's not true - it didn't all fall apart because of me but it's hard not to feel that way.
But the bottom line is, it's over and life goes on. I have two WONDERFUL children and a WONDERFUL daughter-in-law who love me. I have WONDERFUL friends who stand by me and a WONDERFUL family. What more can a person ask for.