Saturday, October 21, 2006


I just had a moment of panic. I'm helping my neighbor Nancy (and Sarah's old cheerleading coach and Jimmy's kindergarten teacher) with a fall fundraiser. The cheerleaders sell Yankee candles to help defray the cost of them going to Nationals which in Florida at Disney World. It is a fun trip (for both Mothers and Daughters). And Nancy does so much for the girls, so I help her up.
So this morning I'm starting to do the forms and it won't let me access my disk. Now, I'm still using 3.5 disks (I know, I know) but it kept saying it was full...and I was beginning to panic because I hadn't even printed out a hard copy of this years forms. I made a frantic call to son (whose not home) but then I figured it out myself. Pat me on the back. Figured out how to clean up the disk and now it is working. YEAH!!! (you can't see me jumping up and down.)
So now I am ready to work, just have to get the little darlings to hand them in. They were supposed to hand them in to Nancy on Thursday, giving them until Friday. Out of 30 girls, I got 4. Not a good response.