Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm Famous

I'm famous - at least in my head I am. I do some finishing. Mostly for myself but I hooked up with a designer a couple of years ago and I finish her ornaments. I finish the ones that she submits to the magazine Just Cross Stitch. This year she asked me to also finish one for the Halloween issue. She was late in getting it to me, so I had to send straight to the magazine. On the slip of paper I put her name and I put my name as the finisher. I just did that so maybe my name would get to someone at the magazine. Well, they put my name in as the finisher under the directions for her ornament!! Can you believe it. I'm famous. At least for 15 minutes.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


thirtysomething - remember that show? They - the actors - were all on the Good Morning America today. The show went off the air 18 years ago. And 18 years ago I was a thirtysomething. So strange. Didn't we think when we were in our 30's that being 50 seemed OLD!! LOL I don't think it so old any more. Don't know why they were on TV this morning. I think the DVD set of the show is coming out.

I started a new cross stitch project. I always buy a kit/chart that donates a portion of the proceeds to breast cancer research. That is my cause so I try to help. So right now I started stitching the Lizzie Kate chart - Peace Love and a Cure. I think I'm going to put them in my bathroom. I have a couple, pink house by little house needlework, support the girls, not sure who did that one. The L*K one should stitch up quick.

I also going to start to finish the pin cushions I made for my sister Mary and friend Laurie. They are a blackbird design pattern. I stopped this weekend to buy crushed walnut shells. It's call 'lizard litter' and it comes in a 10 lb bag!! I asked the young man if they had small sized bags and he took me over and was showing other things to put in the bottom of a cage...LOL The look on his face when I said - 'I don't have an animal - I'm using it to fill pin cushions' priceless. So, with a 10 lb bag - I should set up a stand and sell some!! Have to stop at Joanne's and pick up some iron on interfacing. I keep buying it and use it and put it away - never to be seen again. I have to get in my craft room and get it organized!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Only 8

Well, I only lost 8 lbs when I got weighed yesterday. I was pretty bummed about it but the doctor wasn't. She said 8 lost is 8 lbs I don't have any more. So I'm down a total of 35 lbs since the first of the year. The doctor said - slow and steady wins the race. If I take it off to fast - I might put it back on again.
If I'm going to be honest with myself - and isn't that the hardest thing to do - I haven't been that good this month. I could use the excuse that it is my birthday month. I've been a little lax in what I've been eating and I need to get back into the groove again. Part of the problem is I come home from the gym and I'm so hungry. I kinda pick while I'm eating dinner.
But my clothes fit me better and I have to just realize I didn't put the weight on in 6 months - it'll take more than that to take it off.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I get weighed on Wednesday. I'm a little nervous since I haven't weighed myself since the last time I was at the doctors - which was May. I didn't have a scale at the time and by the time I got one...I was scared.
I think I've lost weight - My clothes are fitting better. I put on a pair of jeans last weekend that I could just pull up the zipper - without sucking in my gut. A month ago I could get them on, but after I pulled up the zipper I felt if I bent over - the zipper would pop open - LOL.
People tell me I look good, that I've lost weight. But when I look in the mirror I still see that fat girl.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rainy Thursday

It is a rainy Thursday. Woke up to the rain. On the upside, I don't have to water my flowers. In fact, I think they are starting to drown. The thing about the rain in, I now park about 3 blocks from work. On most days it's a nice walk and I don't mind it. But in the rain....between carrying the umbrella, my purse, my work bag, lunch much stuff. Plus my travel mug, today I splashed coffee on my shirt and off course my shirt is white today. I did tide stick it so we'll see.
Didn't get any stitching done last night. Drama with my daughter. Her roommate has decided she wants a dog and has basically said - let me have a dog or I'm moving out. They are only 3.5 months into a 2 year lease. These girls work 8 to 10 hour days and it's not like she wants to get a tiny dog - she wants a golden retrieve/cocker spaniel mix. At 6 weeks it already weighs 20 lbs. I told her to call her bluff and tell her to move out. Or the other option is to draw up a legal paper saying the dog only stays in her room, any damage to the apt comes out of her security...etc. We'll see what happens.

Monday, August 10, 2009


Had an uneventful weekend. I brought myself a new bedspread. Kinda feel guilty because the one I have is fine but I'm just tired of it.
Also brought a sliding 2 basket unit for under my sink - of course I couldn't get it to work right. I'm taking it back to Lowe's and asking them for help. It doesn't work at like the picture. I can't get the baskets to pull out more than 3 inches. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Hopefully they can tell me.

Friday, August 07, 2009


2 days in a row - it'll probably rain. Not much to say. I've been stitching on gifts for my sister to bring to her when I go in September. Can't wait. Have to walk 6.5 miles this weekend - hope to do it in 1:50 minutes. Will let you know.

Thursday, August 06, 2009


My birthday was Tuesday and I was 56. OK, I said it out loud. I cannot believe that I am 56 - when did this happen?
For my birthday I flew to Chicago to spend some time with my sisters (and my Dad and Jean came in also). We had a great weekend. Sarah was also in Chicago, her and her cousin Colleen ran the Rock & Roll Chicago half marathon. Meghan (her other cousin) was also supposed to run it with them, but hurt her knee. All us girls went to mall Friday afternoon - of course we had to shop! And then had dinner Friday at PF Changs. Very good, I had never been before and LOTS of food. Saturday I got up and walked my 2 miles and then I saw my extended family. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins. My Aunt Lorriane had a party her lake house. We had a great time and it was great seeing all my cousins and their kids.
Sunday I got up and 4:15 AM (I love my daughter) and was picked up at 5:30 to go down and watch my daughter run her half marathon - it was fun. Then in the afternoon we all went to my niece Colleen's and her husband Ryan, new house for a birthday party just for me!! Don't laugh - it's a big deal that if was just for me - my sister Sue's birthday is August 22 and I don't think I ever had just a birthday party just for me growing up. We always shared the party. It was a good day. I got presents and cake and cupcakes!
My actual birthday day wasn't any big deal. Worked, went to the gym and went the grocery store. Wasn't that special.