Thursday, June 25, 2009


Think that might be my new lucky number. Well, I can't really say new because I don't think I really had a lucky number before. But, I brought my house on 8/24, now I brought my car on 6/24. Good things happen on the 24th day.
I love my new car. It is smaller than my old one, a GM Bravada and doesn't have all the bells and whistles the other one had - but hey, I hardly used any of those bells and whistles. One thing I will have to get use to is turning on my headlights again. Now you're thinking to yourself 'explains alot - pat drove around in the dark'...LOL But my old car had automatic lights - it got dark - they came one. I haven't turned on headlights in 7+ years. But I will adjust.
I love my new car.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I brought a car ~ a brand new Honda CR-V. I can't believe it. My current car is 7.5 years old and is starting to have stuff go wrong. I had to fix something in May that was $850. About 10 days ago, it started acting funny and it would have been another $925 - except I said - you know, make it work. I'm trading it in.
My son thought I'd like the CR-V and I did. It drives nice - smaller than what I'm driving now - but not to small. And I've never brought a car by myself. My dad helped me pick out my first car - a white VW bug. I loved that car but my Dad, made the offer and did the paper work. Every other car since then - my ex picked out. I hardly had a say in the color. But this one - I picked out the color, went to the dealer by myself. My girlfriend Charlene's husband helped me - he use to sell Honda's - so he guided me - but I went by myself. I'm so excited. Honestly, I think the hardest part was picking out a color. I love the blue one but thought I'd go a little out of my comfort zone and pick the green tea one. But then I saw it in the rain and it looked like puke. Then they have this one called 'urban titanium' and it kinda looks like milk chocolate brown. Really pretty - but I was afraid it would look dirty all the time - plus I think it looks like a 'boy' color.
Picking it up tonite - I try and post a picture.

Monday, June 15, 2009


OK, you know how they say you learn something new everyday? Well, I did learn something today -you have to put WATER in the coffee pot to make it perk!! LOL Made coffee this morning and couldn't understand why it was perking. Then the light went on saying it was 'done'. I take the lid off to make sure I put the insides in right....and low and behold, no water. Added water, plug back in - welllla - coffee perks!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Not much going on this week. Have had some HORRIBLE thunderstorms and rain. Lots of rain. Kinda feeling like a duck.

On the note of thunderstorms, when I went to the gym Tuesday night, it was closed! They had lost their power - though it was on when I was there - all the TV's were on. But it was closed. And since it was rumbling, I didn't want to take a chance and take a walk. I actually missed going to the gym - who would have thought. I also didn't sleep well Tuesday night - guess I didn't use up enough energy!

Finished my birth sampler I was working on for my friends grandson. My friend Connie is coming over Saturday to help me frame it. I'll take a picture and post. Next I have to start on Josephine's - I know she's 7 months old but just haven't gotten to it. Also want to start on something for my sister and friend Laurie - a cute blackbird design pin cushion.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I'm trying

OK, I went to the gym on Saturday. I've been going at least 4 times a week. On Saturday, I wasn't in a good mood - don't know why just a little blue. Well, one of the reasons was my nephew (Robert) graduated from high school and my sister, 2 brothers and dad were going. I would have loved to go - but it wasn't in the budget. So I get blue - I miss my family. I so wish we all lived closer. I have no family close by - except my son and family. Daughter lives in NYC and is busy living her life - as it should be but sometimes I just wish I we all lived near each other.
But at the gym, I'm walking on the treadmill - and why is it I always look like I'm almost running?? Well, some young, blond, skinny girl gets on the treadmill next to me and just starts walking at 3.5!! It took me 12 minutes to get up to 3.5!! And she's just strolling along looking all cute and skinny - and I'm dripping in sweat and not looking so cute! I could have smack her. I know I've made progress, when I started at the gym it took me 30 minutes to walk a mile, now I can walk 2 miles in 35 minutes. Hold the applause to the end. I'm trying so hard but I feel like I'm not making progress. I know it took me years to put on the weight - but just wish it would come off faster.
OK - I'm done complaining - I feel better now.