Saturday, March 18, 2006

Well, St. Patrick's day is done for another year. When I was growing up, my Mom always gave me a St. Patrick's day card. When I moved out she always sent me a St. Patrick's Day card. No matter where she and my Dad were, she always remembered. Sometimes is came early if they were going to be out of town, but I always got one. That is until 1997 - that was my first St. Patrick's Day without my Mom. I didn't get a card, I'm sure my Dad didn't even know she sent me one every year, so he didn't know to send one. My one sister sends me one now that she knows. My kids try to remember to say something. But I'd give anything to have one more card from my Mom.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Making progress

Well, my Merry Cox class is next week and I have 2 parts to go on the one project and I just hope to get a couple of stitches in on the second one. If I ever say I'm going to take 2 classes as once again, please STOP ME!!

Was doing laundry the other day, do you ever wonder where socks go? I was folding socks and I was missing 1 - 1 of mine. Now I know I put 2 socks in the washer and I assumed in the dryer. But, when I was folding them, 1 red sock is missing. I looked to make sure it wasn't hiding in a t-shirt, in a pant leg. Looked on the floor making sure it didn't fall there. Could not find it. Even followed my way back down to the laundry room looking. I figured it would just show up. Well, I got home from stitching last night and there it is, laying in plain site on the laundry room floor, inching towards the door, getting ready to make a break. I swear, that's what it looked like. When you are not paying attention, socks just make a break, and escaped in to sock heaven. That's what has to happen, because usually you never find the sock that is missing. It's a mystery.