Friday, September 15, 2006

Hot/Cold Hot/Cold

Came into work this morning and was having a major hot flash!! LOL So, I turned on the air conditioning. My boss came in and is like 'it's a little cold in here' to which I replied - 'it is???' Now all of a sudden I'm cold, so off goes the air conditioning. How much longer is this going to last? Went to the GYN doctor this week (always a treat) and all is well. Have only had 1 period since the beginning of the year, so she says I am in the home stretch - LOL. They don't consider you completely done until you go a whole YEAR without a period. And I have had friends who go 11 months and then get one - doesn't seem fair.

On the cross stitch front, picked up the picture for Ann's daughters wedding gift yesterday - turned out cute. Will post picture next week because I don't want Ann to see it first. Will also post pics of 2 'Our 1st Christmas' ornaments I did. Now I am working on a sampler for a Nov 4 wedding. It's working up pretty fast.

On the knitting front, I am working on a wash cloth which I am bound and determine to finish. I just don't find knitting relaxing yet - hopefully soon. I have finished 2 washcloths - crocheted and have another one half done. Think I might x-stitch some towels and give as gifts at Christmas. Don't know yet.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Well, I bought 2 Christmas gifts this week. It's hard to believe that Christmas is only 105 days until Christmas. I saw these 2 items and thought of my kids. So I got them. I can't say what they are on the off chance my kids read my blog. I honestly doubt it - I think I shocked both of them when I told them I had one. So lets just say what I got is perfect for both of them.

I found out this week that my daughter has an assistant. I have never in my life had an assistant - mostly I was the assistant. My kids are doing so much more than I ever did. My son has his own business, I would never had the nerve to do that. To take that kind of chance.
I am so proud of both my kids!!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Goes so fast

I just read my friend Lauren's blog that her little boy just started first grade and he delicately asked her to let him walk to and from the bus by himself. Like a knife to the heart - and so starts the chipping away at the umbilical cord!! LOL I remember those days, watching the clock until it was time for them to come home - the day never seemed so long!! Then comes the time towards the end of grade school, when you are not allowed to hug or kiss them any place some one might know them. It gets a little better when they start high school, because that magic age of 16 is coming and they want to get there drivers license, so they kiss up some. And the it's high school graduation and they leave for college, and if you think putting them on a bus was hard, leaving them in a 6 x 8 dorm room is even hard - and they are pushing you out the door so they can be ON THEIR OWN. And then, you've done such a great job, they get married or they get a job in NYC - and leave you again, not realizing how far that umbilical cord can stretch!! LOL It's still attached but it's just a little string now. It's really hard to shake your Mom!! I guess because it's a rainy day here it's making me wish for the old days...Enjoy them while they are young.