Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Random Trivia

1. I am the oldest of 7 children.

2. There are 5 girls & 2 boys.

3. I went to 4 grade schools & 2 high schools.

4. My siblings live in 3 different states

5. We moved 7 times before I graduated from high school.

6. I have 17 nieces/nephews.

7. We had a dog named Pretzel.

8. All 7 of us went to college and graduated.

9. My Dad never made any of us girls cut the grass.

10. I had a car accident senior year and missed the group picture of the class.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is it just me?

Is it just me or do people just don't dress appropriately? I saw this lady yesterday - and she was at least in her 40's. In shorts so short that they barely showed below her t-shirt! I don't think anyone should wear shorts that short - but not someone who is more mature. I don't want to say old! LOL OK, maybe I'm just an old fuddy duddy.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


I'm going to London!! I am so excited. I'm going at the end of April with my daughter. We made a plane reservation last night and since we did non-refundable - we are going. She is running the London Marathon and then we are going to spend a week there. It should be alot of fun. I have never been out of the country - well, I've been to Canada and Bermuda - but I don't really consider them 'foreign' countries!! LOL I brought Rick Steves' London 2010 book to read and also one from Frommers (sp?). They give day to day tour ideas so you can see all you want to see.

Started on my gifts for my sisters for our vacation. I started years ago making my sisters something that involved their birthdays or birthday month and giving it to them on our family vacation. It's only every 3 years. This year I'm making Lizzie Kate's snippet 'Birthday Blessings'. And since I have to make 6 by July 3, I thought I should start on them.

Also making needle cases for my friends that go on our spring retreat down at Ocean City, MD. These I have to get started on because our spring retreat is the weekend after I get home from London, so I really need to have them done before I leave. It started as a joke a couple of years ago that we called ourselves the 'fun girls' so last year I made those of us who went, a scissor fob that said 'I'm a Fun Girl' on Charles Crafts fabric in the color grasshopper. It turned out really cute. This year I am making a needle case using an Altoids gum tin. I'm going to try using the same fabric. Will try to remember to take a picture and post. I always forget to do that because usually I post at work during lunch and by the time I get home I forget.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Not a very catchy title - but that's it. I'm so happy it's March because that means the spring is just around the corner. And I can't wait for spring this year. I am sick of wearing winter clothes plus we had sooooo much snow this winter. I saw on the news that in February alone we got 51 inches! Unbelievable. It's been in the 40's the last 3 days and it's amazing how much snow has melted. Which is good because it's ugly looking snow.

Started a new project, it's Happy Birthday but SamSarah. I'm making it into a scissor fob for my friend Connie. We are going on a road trip to a cross stitch store this Saturday. Up to Stitch n' Stuff in Reading and it is her birthday this week. It is a quick stitch and I hope she loves it. I personally love scissor fobs! They go with all the scissors I have too. LOL

Watched LOST last night and have no idea how they are going to tie everything up. But I'm sure they have it all planned out.

Monday, March 01, 2010

It's March

I can't believe I forgot to post on the last day in February. Well, I had 19 posts for the month - out of 28 days - pretty good I think. I think I'll try to continue posting every day in March too. I have enjoyed it.

Sunday was a lazy day. Went to the gym and worked out. As much as I hate getting up and going, I do feel better when I get home. I didn't go as early as usually but got home from the gym about 10:30.

In my cleaning out of my stuff in the basement I found 3 framed pieces of my cross stitch - all it needed was the hanger on the back. I picked up some saw tooth picture hangers on Saturday and hung them up in my bedroom. My one wall in my bedroom has a collage of pictures. It's nice to see my finished stuff up on the wall. I'll try taking a picture of it and post.

My daughter Sarah ran the New Orleans half marathon on Sunday. She did it in her best time ever - 1 hr 51 min. She is such an inspiration to me. I can't wait to go to London with her.