Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's done

I can't believe I didn't post at all in December. Was a busy month with getting ready for Christmas and the marathon.

It's been 2 weeks since my 1/2 marathon. And I still can't believe I did it. I still can't think about it without getting all choked up.

We arrived in Florida on January 8th, me from Philly and Sarah, Jenny and her mom Karen coming in from Newark NJ. We meet at Disney's magical express - the we were off and running. We deposited our suitcases in the room and headed over to get our timing chips and our packets. We went to the expo where I purchased a shirt that said ' I did the 1/2 marathon'. Now, I was worried I was jinxing myself - to be honest I was scared to death. We had a dinner - the most delicious pasta at our hotel and were in bed by 9 pm. Since we had to get up at 3 am....

We got up on Saturday morning and were out to catch the bus to the race start at 4 am. It's odd when there are thousands of people milling around at that time in the morning. It was about 30 degrees and sleeting - which turned into rain. We walked to the start line where Sarah and Jenny left Karen and I and the went to their place to start - further up than us. You're standing around with a bunch of strangers - making small talk. FINALLY - our group got ready to go. Karen decided she was going run at the start - so off she went and I was by myself. My the time I crossed the start line - 52 minutes had elapsed since the first person went over.

Now, I was use to walking by myself - I just listened to my music - looked around. I was cold and it was sleeting and I'm thinking to myself - what the hell am I doing out here!! I am never going to finish. I kept going - 1 mile down....we are walking to the magic kingdom. We walk thru the park and as I'm coming out of the castle, it's mile 6 and there is a guy there saying, pick up the pace - you have to get to mile 8. That's the first cut off. Now, I'm thinking...what? As I go my mile 7 and I ask someone and I'm informed that you have to get to mile 8 by 2 hrs and 15 minutes or your done. You're put on a bus and taken back to the start/finish line. What - did I know that? I push myself because I have 16 minutes to get to mile 8 - running more than walking and I make it to mile 8 - barely. I'm thinking to myself - I'm never going to be able to do this and I start crying. That's when I met Renee - I say to her 'I can't do this' and she says yes you can - we'll walk together. She reminds me to keep my arms up and to pump them and off we go. She is from Medford NJ and I walked with her for 2 miles - I honestly don't think I would have done it if I hadn't walked with her. She kept up the pace and when we passed mile 10 we had 40 seconds to spare. I got a little ahead of her because she was talking to someone else and about at 10.5 miles I hear - 'hey Mom' and I look up and there is my daughter Sarah. She had finished and walked back to find me! Do I not have the best daughter in the world. Of course, I start crying and she is afraid I am hurt but no, I tell her I'm just cold, wet, tired and scared that I can't finish this. She says ' Mom, you are more than half way done - you can do this'. She always had confidence in me that I could do this.

Sarah keeps me going. Mile 11. She has me run some, then walk, then run again. Always keeping it positive. Mile 12 - the pace people are there and say keep going. Honestly people - do you think we can sweep someone off the course at 12 miles - we've worked so hard to get here. I had never walked more that 11.5 miles. We can see Epcot up ahead. I start crying again - I can't believe I'm actually doing this. Mile 13 is coming up and Sarah is like - we are almost done. Mile 13 now we just have .1 to go. The finish line is right ahead and everyone is starting to cry. I cross the finish line with my daughter at my side - I'm crying, she's crying and saying how proud she is of me. I can't not believe I've done it. They wrap you in a Mylar blanket and then you go and get your medal. Sarah directs me towards a lady who is putting it around your neck as opposed to just handing to you. The lady puts the medal around my neck, puts her hands and my cheeks and says' Patricia (your name is on your number) I am so proud of you and then gives me a hug. Of course, I'm crying. We go and get our pictures taken and Sarah wants me to go alone - she already had her picture taken - but I say no, I want you in it with me. So we have out picture taken - soaking wet, wrapped in a Mylar blanket but with the biggest grins on our faces. She tells me again how proud she is of me. She calls her brother and hands the phone to me so I can talk to him. He tells me he is proud of me too!! I know I'm their mom - but I have the greatest kids. And all this takes place before 10 in the morning.

We then got in line for the bus and got back to the hotel and warmed up. We had a great 3 more days in Disney. I still can't believe I did it - I keep thinking I'm going to wake up and realize that I still have to do it - that I dreamed it. But I did it.