Thursday, June 10, 2010

Day 3

Can't believe it's been almost a month since I posted. Don't know where the time goes - oh yeah - work. LOL

It's hard to remember day by day now, but Day 3 was the marathon. Sarah got up and left the hotel about 7:30. I'm sure very worried about me. See, I was going to get on the tube myself, get myself to Tower Bridge and wait for her to run by. Did I do it, you are thinking to yourself. Yes, I found my own way over to the Tower Bridge - made my way to the fencing and waited for my daughter to come. It was very crowded and lots of people running. It was about mile 12. Finally - she came running by. Blew me a kiss - and kept running. I did take her picture and if you enlarge it enough - you can see the back of her head heading over the Tower Bridge. Made my way back to the tube, stopped by the hotel to go to the bathroom. You have to pay to use the public bathrooms in London. Now it only cost 30 pence - but it was only the 3rd day and wasn't quite sure of my money yet. And the next place I was waiting to see Sarah was right by the hotel - so I just stopped there.
It was mile 24 - and I thought I had missed her but all of a sudden - there she was. There were still ALOT of people on the course. Usually by mile 24, it's thinned out but no, it was still pretty crowded. Didn't think fast enough to take her picture though.
Then I headed over to Buckingham Palace because that is were they finished. I'm sure the Queen was looking out her window thinking - why are thousands of people on my lawn!! LOL We had a plan were to meet and I found her. She was tired and wet and not happy with her time - but she finished. I was so proud of her.
The rest of the day was pretty much a resting day. We went back to the hotel and she rested. We went to dinner at a place called - Slug in the lettuce - yes that was the name. We had a relaxing dinner - lots a marathoners in there. Then we rode the London Eye and saw London by night.

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